3. Location of the Coop

The location of the coop depends upon your needs. For example, if you are building a chicken coop for a garden, it would be at the back of the house or in a separate area.
However, if you build a chicken coop for your backyard, it should be near the back door or somewhere close to the garden.
4. Maintain

One of the most important things to remember when building a chicken coop is that it should be easy to clean and maintain. If you keep your chickens indoors, they will require space for living, perching, eating, and sleeping.
Obviously, you will need more space than if your chickens are going to be kept outdoors. This is where an enclosed chicken coop can help you out.
The most important thing is that you will need to provide the chickens with a clean and comfortable home. You will also need to provide a comfortable environment for them to lay eggs.
5. Predator Protection
Also, it would help if you considered ventilation and protection from predators. If you can shelter your chickens from the rain and snow, then it would be great.
However, if the chickens are kept indoors, you may want to consider adding a predator guard.
You can provide added protection for your chickens if you add netting inside their chicken coop. This will allow you to keep the chickens in and predators out.