15 Game Room Ideas You Did Not Know About + Pros & Cons

Home Karaoke System

Game room design ideas
Karaoke game room ideas via ceokaraoke.com.au

Consider your budget, which determines your ability to purchase a complete karaoke system with a player, mixer, amplifier, screen, speakers and a microphone.

You could however opt to purchase just the basics of a karaoke system, such as a microphone, mixer and amplifier with which you can connect to your computer that then displays your song lyrics and score while the amplifier projects your voice. This is a great way to enjoy your favorite music with your loved ones.


  • Owning a karaoke system is such a fun affair that everyone can enjoy.


  • Purchasing a karaoke system is expensive
  • Using the karaoke system might cause a lot of noise especially for neighbors, hence consider them to minimize disturbance.

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