13. Personal Enclave in The Jungle

If you love getting closer to mother nature, it is exactly an ideal choice. When you wake up in the morning, a breathtaking view pampers your eyes.
Then to turn it into reality, of course, you have to pick board batten siding. Be fascinated as a result will blow your mind away.
• Unfinished wooden exterior walls truly give the unpretentiously rustic loveliness.
• The glass windows keep the space from looking gloomy.
• Aluminum trims take center stage.
• Birch-plywood planks pop against the ground and dark green trees.
Is board and batten siding more expensive?
Although board and batten siding is a costly investment, it is also an attractive one. If you compare this type of siding to other exterior styles, the price will be comparable but less. So, board and batten siding is definitely expensive. You will always get what you pay for.
Is board and batten the same as Hardie Board?
No. Hardie Board is a very different type of siding. It is the material manufactured by James Hardie that is made from recycled materials and is considered an eco-friendly choice.
Does board and batten add value?
The answer to this question depends on the condition of your property. If you are looking to add value to your home, board and batten siding are great choices.
Does board and batten need to be caulked?
Yes. If you want to prevent water damage, your board and batten siding should be properly sealed and caulked. If you are working with a contractor, make sure they are experienced in installing this type of siding.
Does board and batten siding leak?
As long as your siding is properly cladded with material and caulked, it would help if you did not experience any leaks.
Can you use pine for board and batten siding?
One of the best things about board and batten siding is the versatility of wood. If you want to save money, you can stick with pine material. This material is easy to work with and inexpensive.
How long does board and batten last?
If the board and batten siding is made from wood, so it does not last as long as other types of siding. If you invest in quality materials, board and batten siding should last you more than a decade.
Is board and batten still in style?
Board and batten is one of the most popular siding styles, especially in coastal areas. Board and batten siding is timeless. It creates a clean and classic look for your home.
Can you do board and batten on textured walls?
You can apply board and batten siding to any texture. This type of siding has a rustic appeal that works well with any home design.
Does board and batten make a room look smaller?
Board and batten siding actually make a room look bigger. This type of siding adds dimension and depth to your home. If you don’t like the airy feel, you can choose darker wood material for this type of siding.
Can you use plywood for board and batten siding?
Yes, plywood can be used for board and batten siding. However, it may not be the most attractive-looking option for your home.
In short, board batten siding is really durable. It also provides your living space a distinctive mark. Since you can take advantage of this house exterior, why not try it? We can’t wait to see the result of your home update.